Sunday, February 28, 2010

yuri milner in the role as genius.

Had a borderline boondoggle work trip last week. God it was fun. A soulcation. Can I coin that word, or maybe I need to Google it and see if I'm late to the party on that one too? Hmmm...just did. Seems it is being used, but with a hyphen: "soul-cation." As if we wouldn't be able to get it without the hyphen. Speaking of things that I don't get, here are some things that I think are kind of ridiculous right now. Definitely no order to this, outside of what comes to my head first, which maybe does mean that it has some sort of ranking. Although once I thought of #4, that one quickly moved to the top. Maybe this blog is ridiculous. Maggie reads it, but I think she's the only one. She doesn't even have time to read it so I am further perplexed. Hi Maggie. I love you. Ok, back to The List:

1. Getting your degree in your pajamas:
2. Airlines charging for checked baggage.
3. Typing in ALL CAPS (unless you MUST make a point.)
4. Over-hyphenating.
5. Overusing the word boondoggle, like I did on Twitter, Facebook and on a photo I posted on Facebook. Oh...and on here.
6. Updating your status in four different places.
7. Having a status.
8. Talking about myself and how I am doing.
9. Animated emoticons. I'm 37.
10. Paying, almost every day, an extra 50 cents for a soy latté. The margins are already RIDICULOUS (see number 3.)
11. John Mayer.
12. NBC's coverage of the Vancouver Olympics.
13. The fact that I leave Facebook open all day long because it's my best news source.
14. Making fun of Farmville and Mafia Wars. Yuri Milner is a genius.
15. Obamunism. The word. The T shirts. The bumper stickers.
16. My to-do list which cannot be reconciled with my schedule.
17. The fact that I really didn't know how dire the situation in the Congo has become.
18. The fact that the Congo and John Mayer are on the same list.

Ugh. I just re-read these and as usual, this all has a "late-to-the-party" feel (over-hyphenation and overuse of quotes to boot). I need to go. Someone just sent me a grouper for Fishville.

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